Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ruling the kingdom of....

Procrastination, I'm the queen of it.
I'm coming up with new and exciting ways to get out of cleaning my room. Tonight to avoidi my ever growing pile of clothes and wigs covering my floor I watched Human Centipede which was not a good one to eat dinner after (although I wanted to sing love songs to my delicious Afghan bread), I then after dinner proceeded in dying my menky left over hair extensions in pretty pastel colours. After blow drying my pretty pink, purple and peach extensions I walked back into my room, press play on T-Pain and kid myself into thinking it was room clean time...
I just sat on my bed and plated my extensions.
To end this pointless boring blog entry, does anyone else agree that the surgeon in Human Centigross look like and act like an older version of Chuck Bass from GG? I feel like Mac in season 7 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. :( Beer on a week night :(
Anyway... here are some pretty pictures, and until my next interesting cheese fueled dream, ciao xx

P.S. I dedicate this post to Jenna Marbles and her hilarious videos, especially things to do when you're not cleaning your room, my activities are not nearly as hilarious. No noodle punching going on here nor do I have any cute pets to accompany me, just cats on youtube (or talk to my cat on the phone when I call my parents).

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