Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Attacking art and stuff

This is what goes down on Art Attack's fan page-

status update:
Goodnight and golden dreams... ahahahah My
english is terrible !!!

following comments-
DB#1.Your engrish is awesome!

DB#2.Fuck up art attack faggot stop posting

DB#3.well remove yourself as a fan if you don't want to see his updates or
hide them

DB#4.Brett dont bag art attack man.

ME.Yeah as I remember he was a bit of a babe

DB#6.he isn't, he is bagging the 'art attack
faggot'...different things mate!

DB#7.very terribblllleee!!!!!!!

DB#8.I'm a fan of art attack, just not art attack spamming my facebook with
useless shit.

DB#9.Gmorning Art sweet dreams! Plur

DB#10. I think we should focus on golden dreams -
isnt that wetting the bed...hope you dont have any....giggle.. Have a
good sleep Art Attack

The correct term is "golden shower" DB#10. I wonder after all this cafuf if the fuy who does the Art Attack status updates is actually a non english speaking gentleman or he's just playing dumb to pick up one of the DBs.
Oh well... James Spader is attractive, I rest my case.

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