Monday, January 3, 2011


First of all to start off this entry I hope you all had a very merry Ludacrismas & an enjoyble yet disappointing New Year's eve.
I know mine was, well.. at least it was lovely up until a dreadful glittery boob fest I attended against my will post countdown. I entered 20 (legs) 11 in the most fed up grumpy biatch way ever, cursing, crying and falling asleep home alone at 3am!
Before the point inwhich I went insane I had made up a motto for the new year, Chill the Fuck Out... Which I do need to do a lot more, stop getting irratated and unecessarily upset over tiny things in life. I wrote it on my knuckles, I fist bumped it throughout the night.. yet I didn't stick by it for longer than a few hours, hopefully it can follow me for the rest of the year.

Just to stop myself waffling on about my unpleasantness in generally I want to share with you some exciting plans for January.

11th Jan- Brooklyn Queenz are djing somewhere in the city, (faux) Versace clad and dazzlingly orange for the occasion.

And... I plan to have a few dinner parties, eat more cheese, drink more wine and live the very few spare hours to the fullest!
Oh I've also totally lost my lust to write, I want it back.